D.I.Y. !

During the performance The New Hammers & ..., Excel spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations are used as VJing tools. The calculation spreadsheets enable to realize a kind of macropixel or 8-bit animation. This technic was also used to make video clips for VerteCouverture. 
For example: je t'emmerde

To understand how it works or to use it in different way, you can download the .xls file here.
(note: the previsualisation from scribd.com doesnt work well- better download the file on your computer.
The .xls "visual" file and the music file are under the licence licence CC BY-NC-SA).

The next video is a tutorial about how to realise an "Excel - macrop'xls -8-bits" animation :

music in the video :  Quodlibet64 - Pułapka Magnetyczna
